Square, Rhythm and form III

Square Series Rhythm and Form Acryl, wood, used bottles of yacult, resin 45w x 45 h x 5 d #miekevanosheeze #miekevanos #sculpturecontemporary #contemporarysculptures #bottleart #bottleartwork #squaremotif #resincasting #resinpouring #yacult #mvomieke #wallbazedsculpture #beeldhouwkunstkunstof satéprikkers keramiek

Square, Rhythm and form III

Acryl, wood, used bottles of yacult, resin
45w x 45 h x 5 d
#miekevanosheeze #miekevanos #sculpturecontemporary #contemporarysculptures #bottleart #bottleartwork #squaremotif #resincasting #resinpouring #yacult #mvomieke #wallbazedsculpture #beeldhouwkunst

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